Cleaning the golf club has become easy thanks to our Golf Club Cleaner. We do not use chemical cleaning agents or ultrasound, so the surface of the golf club cleaner remains intact. During the cleaning process, the golfer is entertained with a 55 inch screen featuring exclusive advertising partners.
90 sec.
Die Reinigung erfolgt einfach und schnell innerhalb von 90 Sekunden.
Die Golfschläger werden lediglich mit frischem Wasser und ohne Reinigungsmittel gesäubert. Dies ist besonders schonend.
Water consumption
Der Wasserverbrauch beträgt ca. 8 l pro Reinigung. Damit sparen Sie Wasser im Vergleich zu der Reinigung per Wasserhahn.
Cleaning brushes
Die weichen Reinigungsbürsten sind leicht austauschbar. Ansonsten gibt es dank der einfachen Bauweise kaum Verschleiß.
Die Golfschlägerreinigungsanlage ist simpel in der Bedienung und somit für jeden nutzbar.
To perform ideally in golf, a perfectly clean golf club is a prerequisite. If the course is muddy, the grooves of the club should be cleaned with a towel during play. After that, golfers begin their work at home with a brush and soapy water.
But this can be done much more comfortably: The Golf Club Cleaner by HEIBI simplifies the cleaning of a golf club immensely. Instead of tedious cleaning with a brush, the golf club can simply be inserted into the system and removed clean again. The cleaning process is thorough and takes only 90 seconds. But what are the initial costs for golf course owners? You will receive the golf club cleaning system free of charge for the duration of the commission.
Whether you are a regional or international company, reaching an attractive target group with high purchasing power couldn't be easier thanks to the 55 inch screen of our Golf Club Cleaner.
Golfers wait at the device during the cleaning time of 90 seconds. As an advertiser, you now have their undivided attention and can inform them about offers or news in a commercial of about 15 seconds - without wastage.
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